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Whatever we study, prepare or practice, everything remains incomplete without proper revision and regular mock tests. After completing the syllabus, for the last 2 months, I practiced 2-3 mock tests per week provided by Oliveboard rigorously. I solely relied on Oliveboard mock tests as it provides a user-friendly interface.

Avishek Kumar


Oliveboard's mock tests, both for Phase 1 and Phase 2 are comprehensive and contain relevant questions. It helped me approach questions in a calm manner during the examination, which enabled me to clear Phase 1. Sectional tests for Phase 2 were also well-curated. It enabled me to revise important topics in a much more efficient manner.


Cleared RBI Gr. B 2023 (AIR-5)

Oliveboard has helped me right from the beginning of my preparation journey since IBPS PO and getting through RBI Grade B was not possible without Oliveboard's Phase I & II Mock Tests. I would also like to appreciate the concise notes for both ESI & FM which helped me immensely in my preparation. The platform is playing a huge role in helping aspirants achieve their goals.


Cleared RBI Gr. B 2023

I watched Oliveboard Youtube GA videos and attempted a lot of Mock tests, which were very helpful for my preparation. Thanks a lot Oliveboard

Ankit Kumar

SSC CGL 2017

I watched Oliveboard Youtube GA videos and attempted a lot of Mock tests, which were very helpful for my preparation. Thanks a lot Oliveboard

Aman Samrat

SBI PO 2020

Since I started my preparation for SSC CGL I had my basics clear be it Quant, English, or reasoning. All I needed was a good mock test series that would give exposure to new pattern questions.Oliveboard provides the most updated content in mock tests, which helps a lot. Thanks A Lot Oliveboard

Kshitij Kumar

RRB PO 2020

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